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Membership Information

You have selected the Monthly membership level.

Aspire wellness membership program was created to help you live balanced and nourishing life. To respect your mind and body and to embrace your highest self. As a member you get access to an ever-expanding collection of recipes with instructions and nutrition tips, a weekly grocery list and blog posts that support mindful eating To variety of workout plans from home workouts to boxing. You can switch between plans as you like. Whenever a new plan is added to the platform, you will automatically get access to it! No extra or hidden fees. Also from time to time you will get to try workouts from guest trainers to mix-up your workout routine.  Saad osaleda väljakutsetes ja õppida tehnikaid, mis toetavad sinu mõtteviisi, tervislikke harjumusi ja enesearengut. Enesehoolduse rubriigist leiad meditatsioone ja teadlikke harjutusi, mis aitavad säilitada tasakaalustatud ja rahulikku elu.  Ja loomulikult saad ligipääsu meie armastavale kogukonnale FB grupi ja vestluste kaudu, kus kohtad sarnaste mõtteviisidega inimesi, uusi ja tulevasi üritusi, töötube ja retriite. 

The price for membership is 0.00€ now ja siis 9.99€ Month pärast sinu 7 päevast prooviperioodi.

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