Mindful Eating series taps into healthy eating (which is so much more than just carbs, grams, calories and restriction). Our mission is to help you heal your relationship with food and find a way to actually enjoy healthy eating.
Dieting has become such a mainstream topic, almost everyone has tried some form of dieting at least once in their life. But if diets truly worked, we would not be facing an obesity epidemic in our society. So what is the answer here? We truly believe that the way we eat is closely linked to our inner worlds. The way we eat is connected to our emotions, habits and behaviors and these all stem from our childhood, our life experience and even how social media affects us and so much more..
So before you start picking apart your macros or counting your calories, we want you to take a deeper look inside yourself and your habits.
We are here to help you understand:
- How to make healthier choices more easily
- Give you some ideas and mindset hacks
- And of course – easy & delicious recipe
Eating healthy is a form of self love and self respect!
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